Welcome to Camp FAICA!
Purpose: To present the Gospel message of “Faith Alone In Christ Alone” to young souls in a clear and concise manner.
Target audience: Ideally 9-16 years of age. Most children have reached God-consciousness by 9 years old. Children in this particular age group also tend to have the listening skills (good manners and concentration) and a willingness to learn about God and life. Ideologies and beliefs are still in the process of being formed and so they are still relatively open to the Gospel message. In summary, this age group is probably the most fertile ground for the Gospel (Matt. 18:2-5; Mar. 10:13-16; 2 Tim. 3:15).
Camp Program: The table presented here is an example outline, based on a three day program of three hours per day. Two day programs would still allow for the question of ‘What to do now?’ to be addressed briefly.

Every day begins and ends with prayer. Naming of sins (1 John 1:9) is introduced in its briefest form before the prayer of the second morning. (This concept of ‘Rebound’ is also taught from the booklet “I Believe, Volume Two”).
Biblical concepts are presented through direct teaching, learning songs, the teaching of Bible verses, and activity booklets. Repetition of previously taught concepts/verses etc. takes place throughout the program.
Activities above are interspersed with ‘learning-based games and activities.
A snack break of around 20 minutes takes place half way through a half-day program. A one hour lunch break is included for full day programs.
Family members and friends are encouraged to attend for the final hour of the final day. In this way they too can hear the FAICA message and be urged to get involved in their child’s spiritual development; enjoy hearing their children sing the songs they have learned, and be introduced to the pastor of the local church (if applicable for that location).

If you are interested in arranging a FAICA camp in your area please contact us at