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Davao Grace Theological Seminary


Students who complete approximately three years of courses and attain 70 academic credits as outlined below will be awarded the Diploma of Theology.

Subjects and Credits

1. Biblical Terminology (Based on “Thieme’s Bible Doctrine Dictionary”) (48 credit hours / 4 credits)


2. Doctrinal Subjects (Based on the doctrinal studies booklets published by R.B.Thieme Jr., Bible Ministries.) (312 credit hours / 26 credits)


3. Selected Books of the Bible: Verse by verse exegesis


   Old Testament

  1. Ruth (From Grace Notes) + Esther (by R.B.Thieme, III)  = 1 credit

  2. Genesis, Chapters One to Fifty (by William Wenstrom) = 5 credits

  3. Daniel, Chapters One to Six = 2 credits


   New Testament  

  1. Matthew (29 lessons / 3 credits)

  2. First Corinthians (16 lessons / 1.5 credits)

  3. James (5 lessons / .5 credit)  

  4. Revelation (22 lessons / 2 credits)


4. Selected Doctrinal Sermons: Students are required to listen to selected sermons by doctrinal teachers and transcribe twenty clear principles from each equivalent hour.  (4 modules / 4 credits)


5. Biblical Languages

  1.  Biblical Greek (3 modules / 3 credits)

   2.  Biblical Hebrew (3 modules / 3 credits)


6. Systematic Theology in Ten Categories (10 modules / 10 credits)


7. Biblical History (1 module / 1 credit)  


8. Children’s Ministry: Principles and Methods  (1 module / 1 credit)


9.  Dissertation on (approved) Biblical Subject of Choice (3 credits)

(Total: 70 credits)

                                                                                                                                                           (Updated 10/2024)

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