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Davao Grace Theological Seminary
Students who complete three years of courses to attain 90 credits will be awarded the Diploma of Theology.
Year One (2024)
The academic year is divided into three semesters. The program for the first semester is as follows:
Orientation 4 lesson hours. (No credits, but must be completed for registration).
Grace Notes, Unit One (Taught by Tim McLachlan) (4 credits)
1. Doctrine 100
2. Foundations 100
3. History 100
4. The Book of Ruth
Basic Books by R. B. Thieme, Jr. (Taught by Pastor Federico Andoy) (3 credits)
1. The Plan of God
2. The Trinity
3. Slave Market of Sin
Lessons in Basic Biblical Greek (Taught by Tim McLachlan) 1 hour per week x 12 weeks (1 credit)
Lessons in Basic Biblical Hebrew (Course details to be announced) (1 credit)
Selected Doctrinal Sermons Selected lessons from The FLOT Line by evangelist Rick Hughes (2 sermons per week x 12 weeks) (1 Credit)
First Semester: 10 Credits
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